Saturday, July 20, 2013

Time Flies

Dear Mason,

Time is flying by. Today when I laid you in your crib you spit your pacifier out and then reached over and grabbed it and tried to put it in your mouth. Whoa. Where is my preemie baby boy that I just brought home from the NICU?

I am so proud and excited about everything you are accomplishing. You have already overcome so many hurdles in your life and you're not even 4 months old yet! From preterm labor (which put me on bed rest with a whole lot of Judge Judy reruns...thanks for that), to a preemie birth, a pneumothorax that landed you 8 days in NICU (the hardest 8 days of my entire life), to a hernia that you will have operated on next month, you've had your fair share of crap to deal with.

You've already had so many rough experiences, so I just want to tell you that life is sweet, and beautiful, and amazing and you are so TOTALLY and UNCONDITIONALLY loved. You were prayed for, wished for, hoped for and loved even before we knew you. My hope is that you feel that love every single day of your entire life. And I hope that as you grow up, that you don't become jaded by the wold. That you're always able to keep the perspective that no matter what awful things may happen- the world is a good place, life is sweet, people are inherently good, and you are fearfully and wonderfully made. I know this for sure.

I love you, Mason.


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