Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dear Mason, Rough Start, Sweet End!

Dear Mason,

We started our day together at about 4:30ish this morning. You were hungry and I was sleepy (seems we meet that way quite often and it always reminds me of a "you come here often?" joke). I brought you into my room and laid you down while I stumbled into the bathroom to make you a bottle. You screamed your head off. I tried to warn you about your face freezing like that, but you were too mad to hear me. Once you were fed and settled down, I put you in your swing. The one you love at daycare so much that your Dad and I bought one for you to have at home- now you have one upstairs and downstairs (Life must be really good when you're not more than a few feet away from your swing at any given time, right?). Well, awesome Mommy Moment #1 of the day happened right as I set you in the swing....I remembered that I bought the wrong batteries and the swing is dead. Great. I closed my eyes, wished on a star and all things holy, and put you in it anyway. To my complete astonishment, you decided to roll with it and looked up at me with your big eyes and smiled. I gave you your paci, crawled back in bed, and fell asleep to the sweet sound of you cooing to yourself. I must admit this is one of my favorite things that you're doing. I could listen to you "practice" your voice all day every day. You make noises and then smile because you are so proud of yourself.

Fast forward through a really rough morning and tough time getting out of the house-you cried ALL morning-  keep fast forwarding through a full day of daycare, hanging with our friends while I worked (your Daddy is out is town), being at my work for a bit, and screaming the entire way home and you finally get to the moment that I zip you in your swaddle, you relax, and I get to stare at you laying so sweetly and tiredly in your crib. These are the absolute best moments of my day. Your cheeks are so kissable and your lips do this really cute pouty thing. And you do your little baby yawn! Oh! It's too much sweetness to handle!

When people talk about "the little things in life," that moment is what they're talking about- You trusting me enough to feel safe enough to drift to sleep. Trusting that I'll be there at 4:30 am when you decide to wail for food. Well, you got it little man. I'll be there...whenever you need me...forever and always. I love you Mason.


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